A Communique on Benefits of Co-operation between International and Non-Partisan Citizen Election Observer Organizations was launched at the Declaration of Principles of International Election Observation (DoP) Implementation Meeting in Brussels, Belgium on December 8, 2022.

The joint communique was produced by endorsers and supporters of the DoP together with endorsers and supporters of the Declaration of Global Principles for Non-Partisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations. The document notes that both international and citizen observation helps protect the rights of citizens to participate in genuine elections and that these efforts are strengthened when international and citizen observers co-operate.

The joint communique highlights the importance of systematic coordination of activities and the value of exchanging experience, good practices and methodologies. It notes co-operation can benefit international observation with greater understanding of local conditions while also helping protect citizen observers from politically motivated attacks. Further, co-operation strengthens monitoring of implementation of recommendations enhancing adoption of reforms.

GNDEM encourages its members to make reference to and share this joint communique as you engage with international observers. In the coming months we will be producing translations of the joint communique in other languages to facilitate greater accessibility.